
Welcome to Social Circle Generator

We’re going to cover A LOT of material in this first module. We’re going to give you the mindsets and specific strategies to go from square one – a total beginner without any solid social circle – to living a life of abundance. We’re not just talking about having access to the women you want to date, but also awesome male and female friends that are going to raise you up, and who you can help to grow too.

In short, this is the journey towards having choice in your social and dating life.

Before we get going, it’s important to understand something about the expert we got in to talk about this subject. D was not always the man he is today. It’s typical to hear these kind of ‘rags to riches’ stories in the dating community, but for D he really was starting from less than zero social skills. He has gone from rock bottom – being bullied, ridiculed, having only a single friend throughout the whole of high school amid hugely stressful financial hardship and family crises, to living a life of complete social abundance.

He is surrounded by women who he loves to spend time with. Not only this, but getting this area of his life handled gave him the confidence to start his own business and be entrepreneurial. Now, he can travel the world due to his location independence. He can make solid friendships quickly wherever he finds himself. He has complete choice among the attractive women he brings into his life. All this is not to brag, but to show that with commitment and persistence, you too can create this kind of life, from scratch.

With the social skills you will develop through taking action upon what you learn in this module, you too will have choice with women. You will never be in a situation where you have to ‘settle’ with a girl who isn’t who you really want to be with. You won’t be in a position where another person can have leverage over you, because you’ll know that at any point you have the capacity to walk away. In and of itself, this kind of powerful position is attractive. What’s more, beyond your dating life, learning these skills will open up doors in other areas of your life. Ultimately, you can be surrounded by people who care about you and love you, and who you truly care about too.

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